On the way there...

Our 1st ride...the hammer..but the comin down like abit controlled so not that scary...

The CS style paintball shootin that we had...sian not allowed to take pics inside...the protective gear is super cool la...

Arrrr....Pirates of China

Ride on the Spinner-roonie was topsy-turvy!!!

Cosplay dont jus happen in Jap ok...

Roller Coaster gets a A++ frm me...

This ride only lasted 30sec...total rip-off!!!

I call this the Sai Tree...really looks like one big dung!!!

Autumn lo...

Shark attack

Sun set Sir!!! *saluate*

Im in Italy..the Rome coliseums

In the tigers mouth...loads of saliva this tiger

Supp to be be scary by making use of some ultra-sound plus motion...unfortunately some inconsiderate A.T's spoiled it for us...

4D show...not bad at all

Incredible hulk dont mess with me

Flower anyone?

Steamboat dinner at one of the restaurants at Suzhou...think it was called Rice Flour Noodles Restaurant ( caused the chinese name was 米粉面餐馆...realli translate lor!!!)

SuZhou LeYuan success

Clarence and the Big Sleep...the chair is JUS to comfortable...

This wk:
Omaha spotted in Shanghai...

Yea this is the place tat we played with the kids last Fri...

http://www.djarkady.com/?p=588 check out the link...acrobatics gets a thumbs up frm me