Jus like tat 22wks came to an end n we are all back in Spore...ya bye byes are hard at times but its also inevitable...5mths of transformation frm strangers to frenzs...come to think of it the small gp of 17 frm pudong area are pretty united...not sure if the next huge GIP batch tat goes over can achieve the level of camaraderie...sure bonding was tough at 1st tryin to accept pple tat u nvr met or knew existed b4...but thru the journey in Shanghai we learnt more abt the others n treated them as comrades...anyway starting to miss the hse i spent a sem ago...haha...definitely with my room at present...to all GIP peeps see if u remember some of these familiar places in our area
Sunday sports day anyone!?!

In the course of 5mths, surely u patronised these stalls a couple of times if not all the time...

Circle of trust

Daily respect paid to the bar aft work


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