Pit stops

Country side pics

Anyway the whole trip was totally awesome!!! Tired at the end of the climb but it was all worth it...we supp to wake up at 4am to catch the sun rise (needed a 1hr climb up to the peak) but in the end due to some mis-communication the tour guide forgot to wake us up...So at 5.15am (the rest set off at 430am for the summit), we rushed over down steep steps, dark skies, braved cold winds n knowing that sun rise time was$ 5.45am...Initial pace was fast n furious, n i was still sick w a fever the day before...the thin air did not help my cough at all... but in the end with phlegm choked windpipes, wind stung lips, half empty bottle of water,n misty clouds all ard arrived at the peak.
Problem was that most of them alr started their descend and they did not catch the sun rise cause of the fog...was forecasted that it was gg to b cloudy that day anyway... but still we waited; takin pics as one by one all 5 of us made it to the top ...the journey up was amazing with breathin takin views (the sun rising hidden behind a thick cloak of clouds being one of them). So i thou i was missin the sunrise but ben said there was 3 sun rises...so as we climbed, kept think we reached the peak but was presented w more flights of steps (totally NDU feelin la; 50 push-ups than can recover than u do until 49, the sergeant ask u start frm -5; super psychological battle). When Carmen reached the top, we were the only gp left, than we were done taking victory pics of our conquest( all of us did it in under an hr), the winds started n we started to see more n more. Show u the pictures the next time....
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