Was away in Inner Mongolia (IM) for 5days over the Golden week. IM was really cold with the day hovering around around 19 degrees and the nites dipping down to a Carmen'ny cold 9 degree. We were the groupie from Shanghai so most were not really used to the cold, 包'ing up like Ba Zhang (meat dumpling). Our 2hr plus domestic flight at 6pm to Bao Tou was rather eventful with actually good foodie aboard. Checked into our 3 Star Hotel and checked out the 小街 nearby. Was around 10pm by the time we got there so most of the shops were closed. But the remaining stalls still offered wallets, belts ( Gary Zheng's fetishes; he bought a totally of 4 wallets n 2 belts!!) n other winter wears. Than a moment of maddness hit us, saw a guy bought 1rmb cone Ice-cream and Ben, Carmen, Xiao Ying (she from another family but joined us; code name Eaglet) n me ate ice-cream in 9 degree weather...haha!!!
Day 2
库布其沙漠区 was the place we went. Had a camel ride to a puny zoo in the center of the desert. Well the camels were not the Huge ones but like Mac regular meals without the upsize. Ya we could not control the camel so my sole entertainment was pushing my camel along to nibble Ben who was in front of me; but not very successful. Than Ben's camel was also poo'ing as it walked (much like Gao Luck; nice n warm fresh from the oven).
At the entrance
Big slow sand vehicle we took into to camel land
Gp shot (a muz for all trips)
Lots of sand shots i deleted
On top of one of many dunes
Camel i wanted
Camel i got...booo!!!
Camel departure ctr
Me, camel hump n arces of sand
The camel convoy
C&C (camel n clarence)
4horn goat
the owl that refuses to look at the camera
puny zoo
Team GIP
Buggy ride was so cool!!!

Our mix n match sand covers to keep the sand out of us
Went to a temple in the afternoon for viewing. But nothing there really so pics were few
The brothers 3
Nice scenery
Ultraman n cyclop
Day 3
希拉穆仁草原 was the land of horsies for riding. The grass was fantastically LONG, ya like chopstick height; not vertical but horizontal; super sian 1/2 when our guide BuBu told us abt it.
On the road there...
Me horsie, small but power just like a chilli padi
View along the horse ride for 2hrs
View rocks but the ride was bum abusing especially when the horse cantered...ya think of Linkin Park's " I become so NUMB"; so true
Pit stops along the way for toilet break n arse massages...ouch
Wild lamb
Our 1st break
Horse pit stop
True blue sky
Carmen in progress
Gary being dressed
Joyce in shock at how the rest of us looked in traditional Mongo costumes
Mongolian huts
Inner Mongolian pple with style manz
Gongfu fighT-O
salty milk
The milk taste soooo goodddd....like boiled pig trotters with bristles still on it..YUCKS!!!
Curry puff clouds
Crispy fries clouds
Yea..horse behinds..bringing sexy back
Grass(land) power
See far far away
Dont play play

Skies the limit
Old school huts
Modern huts
Groupie shots again
That is serious galloping
Mongolian wrestling...got to pin the guy down on their ass or back
Ardent supporters for their respective family members who took part
Picking up a note from a horse back...super zai
Im hungry for subway clouds

Biggest mongolian sword
One of the towns we passed by...Islam rather prevalent here
Place where we had 5tables shared 2 roasted lambs at 1980rmb!!!
Pinkies Unite
Cow pillows are nice to hug
2 roasted lambs...they even had a mongolian song session to mark the occasion n strong alcohol w lamb sliced from the lamb face ate by a representative of our tour gp b4 the official cutting of the meat
Food galore...everyday eat(int buffet breakfast), sleep(on bus to attraction), eat (9 course lunch), sleep on way back to hotel
I really enjoyed my lamb...ate more than my share...a happy n 5kg heavier Clarence in Inner Mongolian...hahah
This is how our Sporean table is when we finish our meal

China pple when they finish their meal; super waste food lor

1st place of visit for the day; house of a government officer
Wonder wats in a canon...
Caps with diff color depict diff ranks
Relaxing on a living room area in the past
Mahjong was a pass time in the past
Dont mess w Justice Han
Giant bells
Found an Eagle statue for Eaglet to pose with
Pic in the rain
This is seriously BURNING Incense literally
Place of stay of one of the 4 great beauties OF CHINA...
Main entrance
HuMOgoose Knife
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