Start of the day, on the bus to our destination...Im Carmen's Brother, Beneb is Joyce's half "sister" (Ben is heavily XX gene influenced hence explaining his passion for shopping..loz)
Entrance of the place...vastnes all round jus like all the other places around China
Took a 10mins walk to get to the park in the place
Was a really breezy day...
Chefs of the day hard at work...1st time BBQ AT NOON!!! was so cool (no pun intended)!!!
Ever ready for pic whoring
Nano amts of food for giant pple...6 sticks of each for 10pax...wat more to say...plain stupid
Sausages of Trust...only decent food around there
Stoppin by the bridge that got us to the BBQ area...seems like the canal leads to the sea behind us...
Nvr thou tat kiddie palace spider web could hold all our weight...hahha...we are light
Balance the mass
4 man apes spotted
Thus began our SOC (standard obstacle course)
The low crawl across followed by the waist height beams ahead
Alway comfortable on the cargo nets
The perfect gentlemen n me...
A break on the cargo net n more pic takin yea!!!
Balance beams
The walk thru on some small wobbily logs...supp to have a gp shot but suddenly so many pple using the same obstacle as us...
Slope slope...
Some maze we played...super fun la...Beneb cheated!!!
Supp to be crappy one onz lor except for beneb n me
Under the beneb'nian angel of protection
Welcome to Oma welcome to something, combo 1 regular combo 2 upsize...darn forgetting all the FOC cheers already...
The fiery dragons of the GIP D.boaters
Out rowing in the lake
Pic after our 40min sessios...only $2 for the 40min
Lucky 2 美女 escorts
How clear? Crystal clear
Evening sun, cool weather and some great view of the setting sun
The World is Not Enough
End of the day b4 boarding the bus back...eventful day indeed
Went to People's Sq to check out the Thousand Island tour and had dinner there...Subway was having the Steak n Cheese 6inch for only $3!!! so cheap so good...
People's Square Re-visited...
Interesting weather indicator
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