Thursday, August 30, 2007
Im Screwed!!!1
In 4mins its gg to b tml and i still haven completed the bombshell of a fabric softener report that Linda told me to conveniently finish by tml for her. Ya she told me at 4.40pm jus b4 work ended. Wa thx ah!!! Still have to wake up at 4 plus to get ready for the Huangshan trip on fri...Clarence is are in for some fun liao...Woosshh...Back to my report 10pages and counting...loads of sleepin to b caught up on when on the journey tml...arghhhhh
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Update of the wk...
Today was the 1st rainy workin day as we went to work...actually had to use my umbrella to get to the company shuttle...Also heard about on the news (yes the chinese news someone drowned in the swimming pool but more imptly that swimming pool rates here are 30rmb/hr...Definitely swimmin is gg to b no no here than...During lunch today, HanBin had the last 馄饨 meal. Let me clarify cause when u take rice u get 4 dishes (1meat, 1 mixed n 2 veg) but when u take specials like fried rice n 馄饨 than u get only 1 other meat n veg. Ya well the rice monster HB was defeated by the veg 馄饨 was realli bad i tried 1 frm HB...Haha n i was still thinkin of takin it somemore...but than again they are realli huge n got like 15, HB only made it to number 10 than he KO'ed...To think he can eat a mountain of rice...haiz...
Had dinner with the last gp frm Longyang household...Met Swee Meng, RongXin, Jing Jing, Xiao Yin n JiaHan for some zi char tat they frequent. Food was not bad, 10 of us had 6 dishes, 3 dian xins n a soup for about $5. They are a friendly bunch but nvr got a chance to chat w them till today. Compared our shoppin (we got shoppin king aka ben so we win), household bills (we ON air-con when we get back so we win again!!!), than they came over to our place to view the house; they comented tat our owner got more arty-farty style while their is more boring (will confirm when i go c it). So Sept the planned 33 student GIP gatherin (yes we know its a realli small gp) is off, apparently cause the Spore something invited NTU, NUS n SMU students in Shanghai over to somewhere for a BBQ...totally awesome...cant hardly wait... however a 3 household potluck is in the plan aftall we stay like 5mins frm each other...well once sch starts next wk, guess we r gg to haf more fun today...
Thx RX for the live EPL matches site...haha sats wont b the same again!!! Last work day of the wk tml n Huangshan on fri...Gd luck to all those plannin for GIP interview tml...stay true n all the best...defintely gg to b NO REGRETS if u come here!!!
Had dinner with the last gp frm Longyang household...Met Swee Meng, RongXin, Jing Jing, Xiao Yin n JiaHan for some zi char tat they frequent. Food was not bad, 10 of us had 6 dishes, 3 dian xins n a soup for about $5. They are a friendly bunch but nvr got a chance to chat w them till today. Compared our shoppin (we got shoppin king aka ben so we win), household bills (we ON air-con when we get back so we win again!!!), than they came over to our place to view the house; they comented tat our owner got more arty-farty style while their is more boring (will confirm when i go c it). So Sept the planned 33 student GIP gatherin (yes we know its a realli small gp) is off, apparently cause the Spore something invited NTU, NUS n SMU students in Shanghai over to somewhere for a BBQ...totally awesome...cant hardly wait... however a 3 household potluck is in the plan aftall we stay like 5mins frm each other...well once sch starts next wk, guess we r gg to haf more fun today...
Thx RX for the live EPL matches site...haha sats wont b the same again!!! Last work day of the wk tml n Huangshan on fri...Gd luck to all those plannin for GIP interview tml...stay true n all the best...defintely gg to b NO REGRETS if u come here!!!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Wat went wrong...
Kk sunday was supp to b a realli borin day. Nua'in at home aft a fuly packed Wuxi trip on Sat but the toilet had to choke aft i did some big *ahem* in it. JianQing also wanted to do some big business but the toilet was partially choked such tat when u flush it w water, the water level rises n takes a gd 5mins b4 the water subsides. Needless to say toilet paper n all does not go down DA hole.
The condo plumber was called in; had to call the water supplier number tat we were usually take, he gave us another number which was actually the electrician's number n aft tat he finally got us the rite number!!! Since it was under the condo contract, we got the cheap fix at 20rmb. Electric related problems would haf been free.
Anyway, he figured that our home had a small valve coupled w a small capacity of water resulting in the frequent chokes of our toilet. So i asked him how to remedy the situation n he said u either cut up the crap or stand by a pail of water for forcin the water down!!! Haha the weird welcome to china feelin again.
Also a new inter came to replace Tony today. Her name is Chelsea n will b here for 2mths. So here im now promoted to 3rd most lao jiao in the lab...haha...wat a cheap thrill...Pics of Wuxi in a bit...
The condo plumber was called in; had to call the water supplier number tat we were usually take, he gave us another number which was actually the electrician's number n aft tat he finally got us the rite number!!! Since it was under the condo contract, we got the cheap fix at 20rmb. Electric related problems would haf been free.
Anyway, he figured that our home had a small valve coupled w a small capacity of water resulting in the frequent chokes of our toilet. So i asked him how to remedy the situation n he said u either cut up the crap or stand by a pail of water for forcin the water down!!! Haha the weird welcome to china feelin again.
Also a new inter came to replace Tony today. Her name is Chelsea n will b here for 2mths. So here im now promoted to 3rd most lao jiao in the lab...haha...wat a cheap thrill...Pics of Wuxi in a bit...
Sunday, August 26, 2007
无锡 ah...
Went for a 1 day trip to wuxi over the wkend. Was a throughly enjoyable experience i muz say. Thou i said b4 tat im not for package tours, this one went at a slow enough pace tat im not gg to complain abt, plus the trip is cheaper than if we went on our own. This trip we went w Ben's colleague, WanJian n his gf. They were realli friendly n fun pple n we had tons of gp pics once again.
Jus learnt tat there r 4 diff types of passenger classes in China. 特快(bullet train), than got the sleepin type, 软坐(上n下 types) n lastly 硬坐. Than cant realli remember wat he said but the cabins are color coded accordin to the types of sittin u got. The worst is the green cabin (oldest used ones) than got the newest types are the white ones which we got (heng ah...they r the airplane style types tat u c in the previous post). B4 the trip, i was constantly mistaken the place as Wuhan which was actually further away (2hrs by plane instead of the 1hr train rite; bopian since my chinese level not tat upz yet). Haha so there my colleagues were sayin cannot b cause it was so far away. Yeah now i know better.
U know y WuXi called WuXi? The tour guide told us n i understand tat durin a certain Han dynasty they ran out of Xi (tin) so there came the name. Aft that he started talkin abt the 3 famous attractions of which we visited 2. Than the famous pple frm the province (got lost in translation here...haha).
Maybe most of u wld remember this place better as the place plagued by the algae problem in its freshwater lake tat is 4times of Spore (one times jialat jialat headache for the govt!!!). So its impossiblity hard to clear the water. 10 days a yr in the past, the pple had a hard time cause the water cannot b used for showerin even!!! Accordin to the tour guide even ur 汗臭 was not as bad as the algae so think pple took powder baths ba (dont qoute me on this, jus my guess). But things haf improved to a stage where tourists durin tat 10days can now still stay in Wuxi n resturants need not closed cause even cookin of rice durin those 10days could not use the tap water but distilled water. Will upload the pics another time when i get the load of it...
Other updates : Huangshan is up this wkend (3day trip). HB is down w a porously leakin nose plus me n my 1mth old cough (gettin better liao). Havin healthy wholemeal bread for dinners w sardine n tuna to supplement my fishless diet here. Ya no more carbo laden diet w no fish anymore. Walks to carrefour (3.2K away takes 20mins) shall b a weekly affair now i guess. Since no one like to walk there i do it alone; which is gd anw, lets u haf tat time to clear ur head n think abt stuffs. Yea 7wks gone n 15 more to come..time really flies by here...alls good n fun here, hope its the same back home for u all...missing all totally (",)
Jus learnt tat there r 4 diff types of passenger classes in China. 特快(bullet train), than got the sleepin type, 软坐(上n下 types) n lastly 硬坐. Than cant realli remember wat he said but the cabins are color coded accordin to the types of sittin u got. The worst is the green cabin (oldest used ones) than got the newest types are the white ones which we got (heng ah...they r the airplane style types tat u c in the previous post). B4 the trip, i was constantly mistaken the place as Wuhan which was actually further away (2hrs by plane instead of the 1hr train rite; bopian since my chinese level not tat upz yet). Haha so there my colleagues were sayin cannot b cause it was so far away. Yeah now i know better.
U know y WuXi called WuXi? The tour guide told us n i understand tat durin a certain Han dynasty they ran out of Xi (tin) so there came the name. Aft that he started talkin abt the 3 famous attractions of which we visited 2. Than the famous pple frm the province (got lost in translation here...haha).
Maybe most of u wld remember this place better as the place plagued by the algae problem in its freshwater lake tat is 4times of Spore (one times jialat jialat headache for the govt!!!). So its impossiblity hard to clear the water. 10 days a yr in the past, the pple had a hard time cause the water cannot b used for showerin even!!! Accordin to the tour guide even ur 汗臭 was not as bad as the algae so think pple took powder baths ba (dont qoute me on this, jus my guess). But things haf improved to a stage where tourists durin tat 10days can now still stay in Wuxi n resturants need not closed cause even cookin of rice durin those 10days could not use the tap water but distilled water. Will upload the pics another time when i get the load of it...
Other updates : Huangshan is up this wkend (3day trip). HB is down w a porously leakin nose plus me n my 1mth old cough (gettin better liao). Havin healthy wholemeal bread for dinners w sardine n tuna to supplement my fishless diet here. Ya no more carbo laden diet w no fish anymore. Walks to carrefour (3.2K away takes 20mins) shall b a weekly affair now i guess. Since no one like to walk there i do it alone; which is gd anw, lets u haf tat time to clear ur head n think abt stuffs. Yea 7wks gone n 15 more to come..time really flies by here...alls good n fun here, hope its the same back home for u all...missing all totally (",)
Friday, August 24, 2007
boss boss
On wed tried wearin jeans to work cause the last time i did my expt, polo tee could get away with it. So there i was wearin my long sleeve n jeans to work, n i saw Linda in the mornin. She nvr said a word. So of course i presumed tat i aced it n can wear jeans in future. But than reality set back in as i passed Hanbin's lab, Linda saw me n commented that this was a office n jeans cannot wear; freakin ironic considerin she can c Hb thru the glass; n him in polo n jeans, next to me in long sleeve n jeans (its jus not FAIR!!!).
So it goes to show the diff.
French bosses like HB's one are open-minded; dont care as long as the job gets done
China boss like mine everything also want me to double check b4 i do, feel like idiot (totally stiflin of creativity). Ya so now "jus follow law".
So it goes to show the diff.
French bosses like HB's one are open-minded; dont care as long as the job gets done
China boss like mine everything also want me to double check b4 i do, feel like idiot (totally stiflin of creativity). Ya so now "jus follow law".
Yet Nanjing for the bookworms...
For those who prefer the written version (also much easier to do up) cause the picture uploading took me a gd 4days. Over last wk, the gp of 8 went to NJ. Bought the train tix for 85rmb but paid addition 5rmb surcharge cause we took it at our 龙阳地铁. The seats aboard the train was so like airplane ones, plus plenty of leg room somemore. 2.5hrs on the train was slept over n we reached there at 11am.
People say 1st impression counts a lot and NJ seriously jus blew me away. At their metro station, the people dont hoard the entrance n actually let passengers to alight b4 they bought. The trains air-con are cooler, no beggers to bother u, n flyer distributers who jus throw cards onto ur lap (ya like they jus chuck it upon u). Visited the Sun Yat Sen memorial; had lots of steps to climb n we went at noon (freakin hot); alway seem to haf this prob when we travel. Too eager to go somewhere than we alway go the best place when we reach jus arrival which is ard noon. Took the electric bike for an hr to explore the hilly areas. Damn fun la, no wonder the bikers all dont care abt traffic light one.
Youth Hostelling is the accomodation for the nite. Super sleek place. Cosy n friendly staffs there. 2nd day when over to 雨花台 and we entered by some backdoor entrance. Crossed a plantation climbed a wall (with the aid of the guide) than we were told to walk till we reach n avoid the road. Hor-landed along the way but eventually found our way there. Paid only 10rmb to the guide instead of the main gate which costed 35rmb, student rate is 28rmb. So really got a steal.
On the way back had the fastest brisk walk done. We thou the metro ended svc at 1030pm n we reached back at the station at 1030pm. So there we were rushin to the metro station followin the locals hopin tat there were still trains. The usual time taken to transfer at the 人民广场 station frm line 1 to line 2 takes a gd 7mins. Think will seriously outbrisked walk ourselves in 3mins. So lucky we got the train n were happy tat our house is awfully close to the metro station.
People say 1st impression counts a lot and NJ seriously jus blew me away. At their metro station, the people dont hoard the entrance n actually let passengers to alight b4 they bought. The trains air-con are cooler, no beggers to bother u, n flyer distributers who jus throw cards onto ur lap (ya like they jus chuck it upon u). Visited the Sun Yat Sen memorial; had lots of steps to climb n we went at noon (freakin hot); alway seem to haf this prob when we travel. Too eager to go somewhere than we alway go the best place when we reach jus arrival which is ard noon. Took the electric bike for an hr to explore the hilly areas. Damn fun la, no wonder the bikers all dont care abt traffic light one.
Youth Hostelling is the accomodation for the nite. Super sleek place. Cosy n friendly staffs there. 2nd day when over to 雨花台 and we entered by some backdoor entrance. Crossed a plantation climbed a wall (with the aid of the guide) than we were told to walk till we reach n avoid the road. Hor-landed along the way but eventually found our way there. Paid only 10rmb to the guide instead of the main gate which costed 35rmb, student rate is 28rmb. So really got a steal.
On the way back had the fastest brisk walk done. We thou the metro ended svc at 1030pm n we reached back at the station at 1030pm. So there we were rushin to the metro station followin the locals hopin tat there were still trains. The usual time taken to transfer at the 人民广场 station frm line 1 to line 2 takes a gd 7mins. Think will seriously outbrisked walk ourselves in 3mins. So lucky we got the train n were happy tat our house is awfully close to the metro station.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
One nite in NanJing...

Was at NJ over the wkend...totally enjoyable free&easy trip it was (unlike the rushed Hangzhou tour).
Breakfast at Bruce Lees shop.

Sat a super comfy airplane style train (lots of leg rm) for 2hr with lots of sleep. Shiok!!!

NJ w its pay as u use coins only toilet
The start of NJ trip

Hagen Daz everywhere, advertisements flooded w it too...

The monopoly of green cabs at NanJing

Interesting 3sided overhead bridge

Our 1st stop of the day...
Many more pics to come
What we call 厕所
The entrance to the memorial...

The long walk to the stairs (so this is wat they do w free space in china!!!)
Yes guys here carry umbrellas too (the pic dont do justice to the 12noon heat here)
Hydratin b4 climbin...
The long arduous journey begins...

Some pics along the way to the top...feels like gg towards heaven...

View frm the top...totally breath-taking
Sun Yat Sen's burial tat we climbed out for
Electric bike roxxxxx!!!!
Taken w a Harimau...
Lots more Gp pics (jus lovin it)
Musical fountain (lots of Wang Lee Hom songs played, dont know y also)
Good day at Sun Yat Sen Memorial
Check out the temperature
Waitin for the public bus to the hostel
Air Clarence for the all terrain in brown slippers...

Arrival at the place near our hostel

The makan n shoppin places r plentiful but no stuff brought...

The nite lights r awesome!!!
The evolution of man

Our hostel for the nite (cheap n gd, pple there r friendly too; lots of bag packers)
Our loving 8 pple sharin rm

Supper w HB, this was my 80cents beef noodle (heavenly sia...)

Frm the height u know its built w ang mo in mind
Hyper-active doggie at the hostel...
Yup weird advert totally...N Day 2 begins...

The above is the 10rmb entrance to the place. Main entrance cost 28rmb!!!(china even got pirated entrance...haha)

Ya this place is sooo big

Lots of groupie pics w Ben's tripod...

Taken w the statues of the prisoners of i cant remember wat

All the pics u c are in order of where we went place by place...
Felt like im in some national park

Not easy comin up w so many gp shots manz

S.C.B.E woosshhhh...

The place we nvr eat at...nice place thou

Was pourin so settled for KFC here where HB saw the gal of his dreams..haha (shld collect $$$ for takin this pic for him)

Feels like the streets of portugal

The lake (last destination of our trip)

Captain of the ship (hey-di mate...)
Using token to travel along their Metro (our MRTs)
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