Went to find the cheap $2 Tee shop tat Ben passed by when his boss brought them for some ba ku teh. Started innocently easy enough with us gg to 宏桥路地铁 n than walkin along 吴中路 to find the store. Was lunched time n we stopped over at this shop above to have some shanghai style yong taufu. I had mushroom, xiao bai cai, quilt eggs, some yellow flour thingy w meat stuffin n noodles all for 70cents. The mala dont know how spicy cause i nvr try (cough still bad), than HB was havin jus 辣(tasted like mine!!!) not the 重辣.

邱 was the 1st word HB saw n was not sure abt (yea!!! the china dictionary was a litle spoilt; but he guessed it was qiu n BINGO when we came back n check it was rite...haha chinese 高手 indeed)

The start of the 2.5hr walk...u c the burger baby shop at the left corner of the junction? Its like a chiong fast food place (the boss there dont let me take a pic of the stall). $1.1 can get a burger n drink alr...realli cheap even in china...too bad had the mala noodle alr...

Passed by the Jiao Da sch (actualli jus a continual sch for private candidates...not the real campus)

This was supp to b a cheap eatery lane...but looked like some back alley instead...saw a cook cleanin a turtle over a dustbin (serious when u eat here; highly recommended not to look how ur food us prep)

Beijing 2008 is being promoted everywhere liao...remember to support Han Ming(passion is everyhing..haha)

n Liu Bin ( c how easy it is for him to hurdler)

My refreshin green tea jelly (so hot n sunny; if dont haf the Ah-GoGo glass think i'll b blind...thx Endurance BRO!!! )aft reachin our destination.

My ENGLAND is wery d POWDER-FUL (dont play play)

Real prata done by the authentic Indians (costs a bomb thou; $3sing for banana flavour than jus next door got the chinese version only 50cents wth!!!)

Escalator tat gets u up 4storeys per ride

Where we walk walk aft gettin back to 中山公园地铁. The shoppin ctr w the super exp originals (who buys originals when u got gd fakes!!!)

My dinner today...looks realli gd rite like a pizza like tat...but sadly no fillings one but super huge n filling; only 52cents.
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