Was at NJ over the wkend...totally enjoyable free&easy trip it was (unlike the rushed Hangzhou tour).
Breakfast at Bruce Lees shop.

Sat a super comfy airplane style train (lots of leg rm) for 2hr with lots of sleep. Shiok!!!

NJ w its pay as u use coins only toilet
The start of NJ trip

Hagen Daz everywhere, advertisements flooded w it too...

The monopoly of green cabs at NanJing

Interesting 3sided overhead bridge

Our 1st stop of the day...
Many more pics to come
What we call 厕所
The entrance to the memorial...

The long walk to the stairs (so this is wat they do w free space in china!!!)
Yes guys here carry umbrellas too (the pic dont do justice to the 12noon heat here)
Hydratin b4 climbin...
The long arduous journey begins...

Some pics along the way to the top...feels like gg towards heaven...

View frm the top...totally breath-taking
Sun Yat Sen's burial tat we climbed out for
Electric bike roxxxxx!!!!
Taken w a Harimau...
Lots more Gp pics (jus lovin it)
Musical fountain (lots of Wang Lee Hom songs played, dont know y also)
Good day at Sun Yat Sen Memorial
Check out the temperature
Waitin for the public bus to the hostel
Air Clarence for the all terrain in brown slippers...

Arrival at the place near our hostel

The makan n shoppin places r plentiful but no stuff brought...

The nite lights r awesome!!!
The evolution of man

Our hostel for the nite (cheap n gd, pple there r friendly too; lots of bag packers)
Our loving 8 pple sharin rm

Supper w HB, this was my 80cents beef noodle (heavenly sia...)

Frm the height u know its built w ang mo in mind
Hyper-active doggie at the hostel...
Yup weird advert totally...N Day 2 begins...

The above is the 10rmb entrance to the place. Main entrance cost 28rmb!!!(china even got pirated entrance...haha)

Ya this place is sooo big

Lots of groupie pics w Ben's tripod...

Taken w the statues of the prisoners of i cant remember wat

All the pics u c are in order of where we went place by place...
Felt like im in some national park

Not easy comin up w so many gp shots manz

S.C.B.E woosshhhh...

The place we nvr eat at...nice place thou

Was pourin so settled for KFC here where HB saw the gal of his dreams..haha (shld collect $$$ for takin this pic for him)

Feels like the streets of portugal

The lake (last destination of our trip)

Captain of the ship (hey-di mate...)
Using token to travel along their Metro (our MRTs)
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